Custard Powder Cookies

This recipe has been pending for quite some time. A friend of mine had asked for it when she saw this picture on my FB page. Unfortunately, I had forgotten how I had made it. After a lot of brainstorming and searching,  I found the recipe I had referred to!

I guess this is the first cookie post on my blog, not I guess, it is! That's because I hardly make cookies. This is my second attempt you can say, after one flopped hard rock like chocolate cookies that I had made some time ago. The problem with me is once I am disheartened, it takes me time to get back to normal, whatever it may be. I seriously feel that this bad character of mine will hamper my desire to try a lot of new recipes. Failures and flops are a part and parcel of the whole thing, right... I am trying to teach myself that so that I can push myself to start backing some cookies soon... atleast for the kids... :)

Custard Powder Cookies
Makes around 10


3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup custard powder
Pinch of salt
1 tsp baking powder
100 gm butter


Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Put parchment paper on a biscuit tray. 

Sift all the dry ingredients together. Melt the butter. Add into the dry ingredients and mix well with hands. Make small balls and press them slightly. Use a fork to make impressions. Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes until slightly brownish.

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