Coconut Muffins

OK, to start off the post with what I love to do - share quotes, of course! :)

A very thought provoking quote by a very famous artist - I guess he needs no introduction, right? Being simple is really difficult in today's world, which has its eyes all yellowed by the "ash-posh" of the modern lifestyle. People tend to look down on those who seem to look 'different' from the gang. Many fail to understand that there is a beauty in keeping things simple - whether it's your dressing, your attitude, the way you hold yourself, your food... anything! It is in being simple that your mind will find rest. I feel keeping things simple and straight forward make matters clear to you, especially when you want to move forward and tackle challenges and difficulties in life. Complications will only lead to confusions and disappointments, rather than solving things amicably and gradually...

And so is the recipe I am sharing with you - nice and simple! I baked this for two reasons - for finishing off a pack of desiccated coconut in my pantry and for making a light breakfast for the next day! These muffins are quick to whip up, moist and really mild in sweetness, which makes it perfect for serving along with your morning cup of tea... I don't have to talk about the aroma of coconut when it bakes, right? :)

Easy Coconut Muffins
Recipe from here


1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tbsp baking powder
3 tbsp sugar
A pinch salt
1 small egg
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup oil
1/2 cup unsweetened desiccated coconut


Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Line a six muffin pan.

Mix all dry ingredients except coconut together. Whisk all wet ingredients in another bowl. Add the wet into the dry ingredients and mix till just combined. Add the coconut and give a good mix. The batter will be thick and lumpy.

Pour into the liners, covering 2/3 and bake for 20 minutes till done!

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